Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wine Wednesday: 2012 Francis Coppola Chardonnay Diamond Collection Gold Label

Growing up, my mom went all out for three holidays: Christmas, Thanksgiving, and The Academy Awards. I remember listening through my bedroom wall to her gabbing on the phone with her best friend late into the night as they squealed along with the sartorial parade and pompous acceptance speeches. This phone call expanded to actual celebrations as years passed - the main requirements were wine, chick food, and yoga pants (back when they were just called "sweats").

One of the best celebrations happened the night of the 75th Oscars. Mom rented out the Home Alone suite at the Plaza and invited all of the women in our extended family to celebrate. Ever adherent to a theme, she served foods by Oscar winners - Paul Newman salsa and Francis Ford Coppola wines.

My then 18-year-old taste buds weren't too discerning when it came to wine - yes, I was allowed a glass (and maybe snuck another) - but the general consensus placed that Coppola vintage somewhere between "okay" and "sucked". The wines have seemed to get better as time's gone on and I really enjoyed this 2012 chardonnay.

On the nose, this gave me green - a lot of grass and herbs came through strongly. It was extremely smooth once sipped and I tasted a lot of pineapple and pear. I picked this up for $12.99 at my regular wine store and would definitely grab it again!

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my go-to weeknight chards. Not great, but definitely good for the price, and perfectly drinkable!


You can be sweet or spicy, but no sour grapes.